Primitives - Hacked Light

Primitives - Hacked Light

2014, UK, live home coded software performance, colour, sound, 15 min.

Primitives is a performance based opti-sonic installation from Spatial (Matt Spendlove) that uses custom made, home coded software to explore sonic and optical intensity articulated by simple geometric figures and extreme frequencies. Projected images drive a sensory assault, consumed by your eyes, then ears, and existing somewhere between perceptions. In sympathy with the material aspects of live audiovisual art, Spatial’s method of deformation and alteration of coded light brings a new realisation to the relationships between seeing sound and hearing colour.

Hacked Light is a reconfiguration of Primitives - projected live using smoke and a convex mirror in 3D space and refilmed for the screen. Primitives is released on vinyl and DVD by the Broken20 label.