

2014, New Zealand, digital film, color, music by Rachel Shearer, sound by Ben Sinclair and Chris Todd, 11 min 52 sec.

Narrator: Mia Blake / Dialogue Editor: Chris Todd
Shot over two years in New Zealand, Australia, and India, Erewhon is Gavin Hipkins’ first feature-length film and is an experimental adaptation of Samuel Butler’s anonymously published 1872 novel Erewhon; or, Over the range.
An anagram of the word ‘nowhere’, Erewhon has been described as a utopian satire, and Butler's poetic meditations on industrial society and colonialism remain a timely reflection on contemporary society and our technological dependencies. Calling on Butler’s strategies of inversions and reversals in the essay film genre, Erewhon charts the narrator’s journey from a Canterbury high country sheep farm to a fictional society where vegetarianism is the law and machines are banished for fear of their becoming conscious.