2009-2012, Argentina, video, color, music by Charly Zaragoza, 10 min. 50 sec.
According to the Comechingones natives, Quilpo river dreams of big falls at least once a year. Whoever is near the river at the time will be part of its dreams forever. Shot in the sacred Comechingones' shrine.
This short film is a diary of my days at the Quilpo River. I shot with my Super 8mm camera in an area of the Quilpo river in Cordoba, considered to be sacred by the Comechingones aborigins. The Quilpo doesn´t have waterfalls, so these were shot quite more to the south, near Mallín Ahogado in Rio Negro. Then I intervened the undeveloped celluloid with light through different kinds of glass and masks. When I developed the film, I reprinted with light different positive frames over a new virgin celluloid. Material creating material. The river feeding itself. The film implodes. I try generating conditions for the unexpected to appear.