on June 2024 Thursday 13 - Friday 14 and Saturday 15
at the Belvedere Museo Nitsch (vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/d Napoli)
film/video program starts at 9:00pm

on June 2024 Thursday 13 - Friday 14 and Saturday 15

Independent Film Show 24 edition, coordinated by Raffaella Morra and organized by E-M ARTS and Fondazione Morra, presents the Immersive Expanded Cinema THE SIXTH SUN by Luis Macías, Eye Ardentía by Miguel Ángel Puertas, Oscillation in Sight & Hue Shift by Nan Wang, S.I.L.V.A. by Sebastiano Deva, the programs X-10 CRATER-LAB, 16mm Films by Miguel Ángel Puertas, Filmwerkplaats Members’ Work Screening, Short Films by Nan Wang.
On Saturday 15 June Independent Film Show 24th edition will be extensively analyzed in the discussion moderated by Katia Rossini, which will focus on the creativity of filmmakers for DIY practices, the independent film laboratories, and the Expanded Film Performance, an expected element since 2002, with the aim of encouraging the circulation of a plurality of ideas and sensory experiences, and to disseminate new forms of communication.

Fondazione IDIS Città della Scienza Planetario
on Thursday June 13 at 8:00pm Free admission with email reservation

360° Immersive Expanded Cinema
Luis Macías ›› 16mm projector + 10 x 35mm projectors+ modified devices
Miguel Ángel Puertas ›› 5 x 16mm projectors + modified devices
Alfredo Costa Monteiro ›› electroacoustic sound

THE SIXTH SUN is an immersive film experience performed live for a planetarium and explores the man’s cosmovision, the nature and the need to make sense of the world in order to understand how it was created and thereby control it... and destroy it. Inspired by the different Mesoamerican legends and the myths of The Sixth Sun, this expanded cinema piece is designed for a specific 360º immersive projection device and is performed by two filmmakers and one musician, exploring the incredible landscapes of suns, moons, planets, constellations, and other elements of the cosmos, thereby proposing a trip towards a future myth of creation.

Luis Macias (1976, Barcelona Spain) multimedia artist, filmmaker and image composer, focused on the experimental and procedural practices of the analogue image, his works in Super 8mm,16mm, 35mm and in video format are composed for projection, performance and/or installation. His film practice is related to the formal and spectral properties of the moving image, through the exploration of the cinematic device and the photochemical nature of the medium.

Miguel Ángel Puertas (1980, Almería Spagna), filmmaker and visual artist, has explored the film alchemy as a self-taught artist since 2006 and collaborates with film labs in Belgium and Spain, focusing on experimental and expanded cinema: an approach in which the settings between sound and light activete the viewer’s experience to expand perception. Miguel Ángel Puertas experiments with the simultaneous projection of several 16mm projectors and the superimposition of celluloid film live edited through filters, devices or objects.

Alfredo Costa Monteiro (1964, Porto Portugal) sound artist and filmmaker, improviser and sound poet, lives and works in Barcelona since 1992, the year he graduated in sculpture & multiedia at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, with the known artist Christian Boltanski. His installations and sound pieces, all of a low-fi character, have in common an interest for the unstable processes, raw materials and gestures, where the manipulation of objects as instruments has a strong phenomenological aspect. He has been working since 2001 in various projects of improvised and experimental music, using each time a different instrumentation such as accordion, prepared guitar, various electro-acoustic devices or resonant objects, in order to give these projects multiple identities and directions. In sound poetry, his work focuses on the musicality of language, creating multiple meanings that often lead to confusion and defy understanding.

Museo Hermann Nitsch Belvedere
on Friday June 14 at 9:00pm

X- 10 CRATER-LAB selected by LUIS MACÍAS
For the 10th anniversary celebration of Crater-Lab, Luis Macias presents a program of experimental films made totally or partially at the Catalan laboratory showing a variety of techniques, processes, explorations, and experiments in the context of an artisanal film laboratory. Crater-Lab philosophy focuses on being able to produce film freely, to be a film community, to support and make visible works by new and established filmmakers, to be a platform for projection and exchange of materials and knowledge, to stimulate the formation of new generations, to create collaborative links with other similar collectives, and to generate all the means for creation on film as an act of resistance, and to actively contribute to its continuity in a free creative and experimental environment.

on Friday June 14 at 10:00pm

In Bunker Shooting the panopticon of a period of war, like dirty camera obscura made of stone, is a past machine gun nest.
While Earth is still rotating and energy flowing through gusts, in Wind Wheel it seems that the wind has ceased for many devices that use motion around an axis.

Same Land, Same Wave a road movie in a semi desertic landscape made exclusively with static shots. The confluence of hundreds of waving horizons reveals similar undulation in different medium. By the union of heaven and earth, solid and liquid are different states of the same matter.

Vitia Fugitiva in search of fleeting defects of vision by a deconstructive analysis of the process of additive synthesis in RGB color. Iridescence and light diffractions are part of the grammar of this communication witnessed by celluloid.

Two Steps a film inspired by Eduardo Galeano’s quote: “Utopia is on the horizon, I move two steps closer; it moves two steps further away. I walk another ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps further away. As much as I may walk, I'll never reach it. So what’s the point of utopia? The point is this: to keep walking.”

Expanded Film Performance
3 x 16mm, color, sound, +/- 35 min.

Ardentía is a word used by Spanish seamen to refer to noctiluca in biology, a luminescent plankton that reproduce on the sea surface and is seen at night. It glares on darkness like burning water or stardust. Here acts as an allegory to hypnagogic vision, as a free interpretation of the pulsating phosphenes in our closed eyes.

on Saturday June 15 at 9:00pm

Part One 69 Seconds Project - compilation of ten films made by Filmwerkplaats’ members
Filmwerkplaats is an artist-run film lab. It is a workspace dedicated to DIY analog practice geared towards artists interested in film as an expressive, physical medium. This screening program features short films made by Filmwerkplaats members, and the entire production is done in the darkroom at Filmwerkplaats. The duration of 69 seconds on 16mm was the only limitation, as each film was created from diverse perspectives, experimentations, and concepts.

Part Two Elli by ESTHER URLUS and Flow by LICHUN TSENG

Elli consists of a seascape shot from the exact spot that marks the start of World War II in Greece. However, it is also a follow-up to my inquisitive interest in colour mixing in film. … Strong sequential changes in the frames-per-second series can cause physical reactions and the beholder will sense seeing colours and shapes.

In Flow change is a process, is the starting point equal to the end point? What if everything is in a flow, what meaning or value of life can be derived from the interconnectedness of all things? Reflecting the subtle relationships between the flow of changing, awareness of being and observation of breathing through abstract and rhythmic moving images.

WORM.filmwerkplaats is an open studio in which filmmakers and artists are free to use our equipment to be able to shoot, edit and complete an entire film at minimum cost. Filmwerkplaats wants to encourage personal experimentation and try-outs through formulae and processes reached through its members’ research.
Filmwerkplaats is part of SPECTRAL a larger network of artist-run labs in Europe. SPECTRAL is a four-year collaboration between six artist-run film labs with a DIY philosophy and a focus on analog film. The project includes artist residencies, workshops, the creation of hybrid film equipment, and expanded events. The Partner Labs are Baltic Analog Lab Latvia; LaborBerlin Germany, Crater-Lab Spain; Laia-Torre Portugal; WORM.filmwerkplaats Netherlands; Mire France.

on Saturday June 15 at 10:00pm
Short Films by NAN WANG

Dust Poetry made with 7000 frames of dust I have been collecting in my room and black and white analog 16mm footage of small plants and insects I picked up from the garden. I have always been fascinated by the beauty of microscopic insignificant materials, ... and try to imagine their memories and emotions.

Liquid Landscape is the result of a two-year research study on the aesthetics of liquid patterns. By using a mixture of liquid soap and film developer, rich visual patterns were created from the transit moments when liquid hits the 16mm film strip.

In Pareidolia, analog abstract patterns made on 16mm film are used as source material for finding similar figurative images, interpreted by an online search engine.

A Sense of Place is a short film made with scanned images of transparent Adhesive Sticky Tape. The traces, marks, and imprints left on the tape were scanned and animated into a noisy moving image, overlaying with slow-motion footage from a platform from a train station. A mundane moment of time stretched into a poetic space where passenger's figure and movements reveal below the traces of the insignificant sticky tape.

Oscillation in Sight & Hue Shift by NAN WANG
Immersive audio-visual Experience
DIY 16mm projectors and 16mm footage from a DIY camera

Oscillation in Sight & Hue Shift offers an immersive audio-visual experience, unveiling the hidden beauty of light refraction through transparent materials. Utilizing DIY projectors and 16mm footage from a DIY camera, the performance intricately weaves together visuals and sound. Inspired by the binary system of I Ching hexagrams, the composition creates a dynamic cycle of mesmerizing audio-visual experiences.

Nan Wang (1986, China) multi-disciplinary media artist and experimental filmmaker, employs a poetic, abstract visual language to construct immersive experiences. She frequently discovers beauty and philosophical meanings in discarded man-made objects or substances, creating artworks that center around themes of identity, perceptions, technology, and social interactions.

on Friday June 14 and saturday 15 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm
360° Immersive VR fanta-scientific Film
Screenplay by Jenny Del Prete, Sebastiano Deva; Set design by Walter Picardi; Starring Gioia Spaziani, Marcello Mazzarella; Produced by Innereo and Apptripper

p>One of the first experimental immersive virtual reality films realized in Italy. A sci-fi narrative was shot with an Ista 360 pro2 eight-focal 8K camera and alternated in the plot with 3D Computer Graphic Image animation clips, simulating the synthetic identity of S.I.L.V.A.: are we controlling or are we being controlled? A DeepSound Machine Learning system was used during the shooting to generate the biometric data transmitted by the actors during their performance, and later transformed into instantaneous sounds to produce the soundtrack.
Sebastiano Deva (1973, Naples Italy) independent artist and Ceo&Art director of Apptripper Emotional Experience and Innereo, start-ups active in the field of digital art innovation. He recently made a breakthrough in the field of emotional patterns combined with Artificial Intelligence dynamics applicable to the fields of Mental Well-being, a new creative project DeepSoundMe with technologies evolved from the performance of the Mind, released on major digital platforms in 2022. In Naples, Sebastiano Deva founded two innovative companies to study human emotions to improve our lives and experiences. A new frontier: studying how to improve life within companies.

on saturday June 15 at 6:00pm
Do-It-Yourself and Independent Film Laboratories
Expanded Film Performance Practices
moderate by KATIA ROSSINI

16mm Films Miguel Ángel Puertas venerdì 14 giugno 2024 ore 22:00

Bunker Shooting
Vitia Fugitiva
Same Land, Same Wave
Wind Wheel
Two Steps

Eye Ardentía Expanded Film Performance venerdì 14 giugno 2024 ore 22:30

Eye Ardentía Expanded Film Performance

Filmwerkplaats members’ work screening sabato 15 giugno ore 21:00


Seconda parte LICHUN TSENG e ESTHER URLUS sabato 15 giugno ore 21:15


Short films Nan Wang sabato 15 giugno ore 22:00

Dust Poetry
Liquid Landscape
A Sense of Place

Oscillation in Sight & Hue Shift sabato 15 giugno ore 22:30

Oscillation in Sight & Hue Shift

Do-It-Yourself e Independent Film Laboratories Sabato 15 giugno ore 18:00