Part one 69 Seconds Project - compilation of ten films made by Filmwerkplaats’ members
2017, Netherlands, 16mm, optical sound or no sound, 11 min. 30 sec.
Filmwerkplaats is an artist-run film lab. It is a workspace dedicated to DIY analog practice geared towards artists interested in film as an expressive, physical medium.
This screening program features short films made by Filmwerkplaats members, and the entire production is done in the darkroom at Filmwerkplaats.
The duration of 69 seconds on 16mm was the only limitation, as each film was created from diverse perspectives, experimentations, and concepts.
Still Life with Fries
no sound, EI emulsion inside
Rebecca Erin Moran
the motion of tumbling
no sound, EI emulsion inside
Judith v/d Made
Ghostly Manners
no sound, EI emulsion inside
Pat Chaves
no sound, EI emulsion inside)
Benjamin Ramírez Pérez
de Koperen Ploert
no sound, EO emulsion outside due to reversal
Daan de Bakker
no sound, EO emulsion outside due to reversal
Marleen van der Werf
A Soft Place To Fall
optical sound, EO emulsion outside due to reversal
Nan Wang
my materialist hair-cut
optical sound, EI emulsion inside
Bernardo Zanotta
you are not alone
optical sound, EI emulsion inside
Esther Urlus