

2006, France, 16mm, colour, sound, 5 min.

Although the greater number of our night visions are perhaps no more than faint and fantastic reflections of our waking experiences, there are still a certain remainder whose bewildered and ethereal character permits no ordinary interpretation, and whose vaguely exciting and disquieting effect suggests the possible minute glimpses into a sphere of mental existence, no less important than physical life, but yet separated from that life by a practically insuperable barrier.

H.P. Lovecraft, Beyond the Wall of Sleep

From a plastic point of view, Overall continues the project which began as All Over. The creative process has changed, since the primary material is now oil paint: the image is not thus any more the result of a chemical handling as it was for All Over. The original film was painted with Jackson Pollock's dripping technique on a transparent film strip and then all colours were inversed in the lab with a contact printer. The soundtrack was made using a signal processing environment called Pure Data, which calculates in real time the colour density (red, green, blue) of each image. The result of this calculation controls the sound volume of three distinct sounds, each one of them being associated to a primary colour.

Emmanuel Lefrant