2000, Italia, S8mm on DVD, colour, sound, 18 min.
The subject of the film is the journey. The actors are the director himself and his daughter, the young child Andrea Vera. The two main characters, between real and imaginary, take a trip in which contemporary Berlin is the point of departure and the Adriatic sea the arrival. From the metropolis to nature, from the crystal to the liquid world, inverting the biographic and artistic journey of the author, Italy-Germany. A passage in reverse, in which his daughter Andrea becomes a kind of alter ego to the author. In the film, the places, as well as the "Dramatis Personae", take on an almost metaphysical value. In effect, the images may be read as an allegory of the age of man and the ages of the world, of opposites that constitute the individual and the passage of time, or again of the sublimely technological and the sublimely natural.
Ampelio Zappalorto