2000 UK, Mini DV, colour, sound by Ray Chaston, 16 min.
Another Place works around the idea of the rural as distance, the opposite of close anonymous proximity experienced in urbanism. However, to capture such portraiture at this level of closeness Dalziel & Scullion engaged with the environment and inhabitants like the "Anthropologists" of the Victorian era, who would travel to the darkest jungles to uncharted lands and return with photographs and other data. The writer Gavin Morrison draws a parallel with Another Place to the photographic work of Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952) who documented over 80 North American Indian tribes. We gaze at the still subjects gazing back at us in a dis-enpassioned state beyond the camera lens, this combined with the slowed down pace of the video, creates a sense of unbound time and quietude. Another Place magically evokes the solitude of a Scottish fishing community. A beautifully composed piece of ambient ethnography.
Courtesy of Aberdeen Art Gallery