2005-2012, USA, 16mm, color, sound, 6 min.
I think of this work as an ode, in the french sense - an ode to, an ode for, a reverence of moment and passion of place. Making a short form, in awe – feeling presence and facing time. A blissful voyage into another time, but Here, and Now, through the magic of cinema.
Sound and voice are integral to my work, their marriage culminates in the whole. I’ve wanted to do some work which can be appreciated fully by my friends and colleagues in France, where I spend time each year. And I love the language of french: so sonorous, and so exact, and at moments, so capricious in its whimsies of potential metaphor. Sound here is really a chorus of voices. English and French vocals, an outdated LP of entirely unhelpful french lessons; a stolen reading of Rilke’s “Letters to a Young Poet” by a young Catherine Deneuve in a knockout performance.