2001, St. Petersburg, Russia, 35mm on DVD, colour, sound, 4 min.
A hand-painted film which explores the beauty of colors and movement. The multimedia group 2012 (the last year of the Mayan calendar) was established in 1998 in St. Petersburg by artists Vadim Kyzenkov and Sergey Radovskii and from the very beginning created audio-visual spaces and experiences where sound and image were in constant and delicate correlation. Noise, ambient and folk music, live audio, quadraphonic sound, multiple projections (of images from video, computer and slides) onto different screens and objects have been the main tools used to put their ideas into practice. The group's members come from different professional backgrounds: Vadim Kyzenkov, video artist; Sergey Radovskii, musician and sound engineer; Sonia Nelubina, author of hand-painted films and slides; Yuri Elik, photographer and computer programmer. This collaboration involves each artist in intermedia experimentation using video, 3D technology, graphics, slides (made with a variety of techniques) and noise music. The group is an active participant in St. Petersburg's multimedia scene which includes diverse events, performances and concerts.