Magnetic Movie

Magnetic Movie
Magnetic Movie

2007, UK, colour, sound, 4 min. 43 sec.

When Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt, the english duo operating under the name Semiconductor since 1999, were given a grant and thereby the chance to spend time at the Space Science Laboratory, UC Berkeley, California, they gratefully used it to get more grip on the phenomenon of magnetism. Semiconductor has playfully visualized this complex subject matter in the labs of the various physicists, making use of the moving-image technique. From the microscopes, the bottles filled with liquids, the boxes of screws, the electric apparatus, the white overalls, steel racks and microscope slides, we can see magnetic fields and currents emerge, which multiply and grow rampant in the labs. These expanding movements are emphasized by the sound effects. Each interview is accompanied by a new visual component, for example, a different colour or different shape joining the other ones.

Nanda Janssen