2005, Netherlands, dvd, colour, sound, 13 min.
In the short documentary New Babylon de Constant made by Victor Nieuwenhuys (his son) and partner Maartje Seyferth we see a cinematic impression of New Babylon and hear Constant talking about his ideas and the future experience of the New Babylonians: “…They wander through the sectors of New Babylon seeking new experiences, as yet unknown ambiances. Without the passivity of tourists, but fully aware of the power they have to act upon the world, to transform it, recreate it. They dispose of a whole arsenal of technical implements for doing this, thanks to which they can make the desired changes without delay. Just like the painter, who with a mere handful of colors creates an infinite variety of forms, contrasts and styles, the New Babylonians can endlessly vary their environment, renew and vary it by using their technical implements.” (Constant Nieuwenhuys, 1974)