2002, Germany, DVD, colour, sound, 10 min.
The idea of the project Pale-Judea was born in July 2001. After negotiations in Camp David broke down in 2000, I decided to make a video about a subject that is very important to me: Israel and Palestine. In the Middle East the three monotheistic religions flow together. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are connected to each other due to their common patriarch (Abraham/Ibrahim) and their shared biblical prophets. Nevertheless, in this region two peoples hate each other and are at war with one another: the Jews of Israel and the Islamic, Palestinian Arabs. In my opinion religious differences play a very small role in this conflict. Instead, the causes of the conflict between the people of Israel and the Palestinians are complex, dialectic entanglements in the economic sector, in history, psychology and anthropology. These entanglements are too complex to be described in detail or be analyzed in full here.
The video Pale-Judea is based on symbolic imagery. It is about nearly identical twins who stand facing one another. Both carry out an emotionally charged dispute about their territorial claims to the same piece of land.
Both roles are played by the same actor: The confrontation of the supposed twins is nothing more than a technical trick.
The stage set is reduced to a minimum. The actor appears as a simple torso against a black background. The Jewish Israeli wears glasses and a dark green pullover; he gesticulates with reserve and seems to be a bit more robust. The Palestinian gesticulates in a more lively manner; he does not wear glasses and he is dressed in a red pullover.
The text of the dispute dialogue is based on thorough research of literary sources concerning this conflict. To mention just a few of sources consulted, texts were reviewed by: Friedrich Schreiber, former Correspondent of the ARD TV station in the Middle East; Avi Primor, former Ambassador of Israel in Berlin and Uri Avneri, recipient of the alternative Nobel Peace Prize and also activist for the Israeli peace movement. In addition, I gathered information from theological texts, documentary films and also conversations with friends. The text of the dispute dialogue does not lay claim to neutrality. Furthermore, I did not intend to imitate an authentic dialogue or discussion between a "real" Israeli and a "real" Palestinian. The presentation should be seen as a fictional portrayal of contemporary discussions. For me it is important to refer to historically accurate facts in this dialogue. I have selected arguments which seemed appropriate to me and which struck a chord with me personally. Furthermore, these are arguments-especially from the Palestinian point of view-which are seldom brought to public attention. I tried to put myself in the position of both characters, but without denying my own subjectivity. The intention of the film is to present neither propaganda nor a neutral view of matters and I believe I have achieved this goal through the symbolic significance of the twins.
Costantino Ciervo Berlin 19.06.2002
Courtesy Galleria Rafael Vosrell, Berlin