2002, Moscow, Russia, 35mm on DVD, b/w, sound, 14 min.
A video interpretation of Pushkin's poem Mozart and Salieri. Born in 1978, Platon is the son of the famous Russian artistic duo - Francisco Infante-Arana and Nona Gorunova. He studied classical art at Moscow Art School and then entered VGIK (the State Film Institute). After a year of studying set design he was admitted to one of Vladimir Kobrin's workshops. Kobrin was a distinguished experimental filmmaker and teacher. At the studio Platon made a number of student works which already showed his remarkable talent. All the films were visually precise, graphical and dynamic as well as his later works and demonstrated Platon's artistic maturity. Saliery is his diploma 35mm film and presents his interpretation of Pushkin's poem which deals with a century old dilemma of genius and mediocrity.