Dust Poetry

Dust Poetry
Dust Poetry

2013, Netherlands, b/w, sound, 9 min. 12 sec.

Engrossing combination of 16mm frames with house dust collected by Nan Wang and film clips of insects and plants. The beauty of tiny, surplus materials digitally processed and edited into a hallucinogenic trip. Pulsating soundtrack based on insect and wind sounds.
Made with 7000 frames of dust I have been collecting in my room and black and white analog 16mm footage of small plants and insects I picked up from the garden. I have always been fascinated by the beauty of microscopic insignificant materials, like dust, plants, and insects, and try to imagine their memories and emotions. The recorded sounds of insect singing and wind blowing among the plants were used to simulate their language and poetry. The aim of this work is to use dust and sound as elements to construct another reality that beyond, however, reflects on our mediated fragmented noisy world.