1975-77, UK, n. 2 screens 16mm, colour, sound, +/- 25 min.
Considered to be one of the most radical female figures in the structuralist arm of 70s UK cinema, throughout her artistic career Lis Rhodes has always foregrounded the question of how audiovisual discourse can influence our sense of perception. Performance, photography and writing, yet also socio-political critique, are the fields in which she has always worked, and still today she maintains an all-too-rare artistic integrity.
Light Music is a clear example of her radical structuralist period. A film-installation which borders on the hypnotic, a study of how the imaginary can measure up to strictly linear form, of aleatory serialism and the sonic tonalities which derive from it. The projection is with two projectors, one placed in front of the other. The spectator immerses his or herself in the spatial/visual dimension which is created between the two.