Charlemagne 2: Piltzer

Charlemagne 2: Piltzer
Charlemagne 2: Piltzer

2002, FRA, 16mm, colour, music by Charlemagne Palestine, 22 min.

From five minutes of super-8 material and a 22' audio recording made during a Charlemagne Palestine concert in Paris in 1998, Chodorov builds a visual score by translating the music note by note and stretching out the shots. He offers, on the one hand, a "material, plastic homage to this musician, an adept of repetition (close to a La Monte Young) and reconsiders, in addition, aesthetic and cineplastic tendencies, like abstraction or the structural film, as measured by a mathematical conception (but manual, material, reworking the material frame by frame) of art.
Pip Chodorov uses all 6945 notes recorded during the concert as well as the near totality of the filmed frames (6923 images). He translates the impact of notes into images and groups of images in which positive and negative, black and white, blue/yellow, red/green, multicolorism and lyrical abstraction, pulsating and bleeding colors, re-examine the entire range of the moving abstract image, from its origins to today.

Raphaël Bassan