1993, Netherlands, 16mm, colour, sound, 13 min.
After making four hand-animated abstract films, Nacht-Licht (Night-light) is the first film Bart Vegter made using a computer.
The formal approach which I use generally in making films, proved to be very suitable for the way a computer works and can be programmed. This brought me to writing image-generating programs in computer- language, of which Nacht-Licht is the first result as film. The way I make films can be compared to building a 'machine' which produces images. This machine consists of the working-principle: the system I choose to generate the images. In this manner series of images are generated, determined by (1) the machine, and (2) the data I put into it.
Bart Vegter
Nacht-licht is a computer-film in three parts. The images consists of 8 to 14 independent elements. Each part has its own, formal starting-point. On this formal basis, variations are executed by gradual changes in position, direction, movement, velocity and colour of the elements.